Handball idol Kai Häfner became a member of Weltunternehmen Kärcher – the program for the talkreihe “Schwapas and G’Schwätz” in Swabia Hotel Ebnisee for the new years. Den Auftakt in Kaisersbach power Konrad Jelden.


03.01.2025 – 11:54 am

The Veranstaltungsreihe „Schwapas und G’Schwätz“ in Swabia Hotel am Ebnisee starts on Donnerstag, January 9, in a new year. The drafted image of French President Konrad Jelden of Ebniseeverein, putting things in order, has been insulted. You follow Abende mit Gästen aus Sport, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft, de exciting Einblicke in je Fachgebiete bieten.

At the age of 8, he spoke to handball professional Kai Häfner about the transformation. This month with Klaus Hirschle, Geschäftsführer of the Weltunternehmens Kärcher from Winnenden.

Discussion run with Kulinarik

The Donnerstagsveranstaltungen starts with jewelery at 7 pm. I started with a first Gesprächsrunde as a guest in the kitchen of Chefkoch Daniele Piucci. Dazu is suitable for Weine der Fragaleria aus Schwäbisch Gmünd. A delicious meal and a main course with specialties from German and Italian cuisine cooked by the Abend, the schließlich with a Fragerunde and a dessert end.

In the 1970s, themes involving photovoltaic energy, images or regional walks were discussed with real estate marketing and braukunst. You can join other guests in Ralf Nentwich (Grüne), the nature park führer Walter Hieber and Bernhard Frey from Gold Ochsen.

The costs pro Abend amount to 39 Euro per Person. It’s just a matter of idea to do a few things with your jewelry experts. An alternative is beer or non-alcoholic beer.

Notification and information

Notifications may be possible. You can answer your question by e-mail to hotel@schwabenpark.de or by telephone at 0 71 82/9 36 10 40.

Terminology in the area:

January 9: Der Ebnisee und seine Geschichten (Konrad Jelden)

6. February: Was we able to learn from Bienen (Ralf Nentwich)

6. März: Wandertipps beef around the Ebnisee (Walter Hieber)

20. März: Vollmachten und Vertretung in der Praxis (Jürgen Mussinger)

April 3: Photovoltaics and Zukunft (Stephan Klüe)

May 8: Handball professional Kai Häfner in conversation

5. June: Hinter den Kulissen des Schönblicks (Martin Scheuermann)

3. July: Die Besonderheiten der Laufenmühle (Philipp Einhäuser and Daniela Doberschütz)

September 11: Theater auf Bestellung (Norbert Eilts)

2. October: Die Vielfalt des Bieres (Bernhard Frey)

16. October: Die Kultursäule Welzheim (Ulla Keller, Gesa Weik, Anne Rößle)

November 6: Trends in real estate sales (Nicolai Geiger)

4. Dezember: Kärcher und seine Strahlkraft (Klaus Hirschle)

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